Publizierte Schriften
"On Mahler's approximation function for powers of certain
algebraic numbers",
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 27
(1992), 147-158.
"On the approximation of continuous functions by C(infinity)
-solutions of third order algebraic
differential equations",
Mathematische Nachrichten 157 (1992), 235-241.
"On a sequence transformation with integral coefficients for
Euler's constant",
Proceedings of the AMS 123, no.5 (1995),
"On the approximation of irrational numbers with rationals
restricted by congruence relations",
The Fibonacci Quarterly 34, no.1 (1996), 18-29.
"On inhomogeneous approximation to irrational numbers with
arithmetical conditions",
Abh.Math.Sem.Univ.Hamburg 66 (1996), 223-228.
"On the approximation of irrationals by rationals",
Mathematische Nachrichten 189 (1998), 243-256.
"A metric result concerning the approximation of real numbers by
continued fractions",
The Fibonacci Quarterly 36, no.4 (1998),
- Mit
J.W.Sander: "On the exact height of integer-detecting
Journal of Number Theory 73 (1998), 1-13.
"A universal functional equation",
Proceedings of the AMS 127, no. 1 (1999),
"On arithmetic properties of the convergents of Euler's number",
Colloquium Mathematicum 79, no. 1 (1999),
"On rational approximations with denominators from thin sets",
Abh.Math.Sem.Univ.Hamburg 69 (1999), 229-235.
"On the representation of integers by sums of squares with terms
from an arithmetic progression",
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 17, no. 3
(1999), 331-341.
- "Der Dialog der Schwestern",
c't magazin für computer technik 25 (1999),
"On diophantine approximations with rationals restricted by
arithmetical conditions",
The Fibonacci Quarterly 38, no.1 (2000), 25-34.
"A universal differential equation of degree six",
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 244
(2000), 533-541.
Mit J.W.Sander: "On the distribution of residue classes
of quadratic forms and integer-detecting
sequences in number fields",
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 36
(2000), 123-152.
- "Über
eine effektive Konstruktion großer Mengen algebraisch
unabhängiger Zahlen",
Mathematische Semesterberichte 47 (2000),
"On arithmetic properties of the solutions of a universal
differential equation at algebraic points",
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 256
(2001), 324-338.
- Mit J.W.Sander und J.Steuding:
als Summe ebensolcher"
Mathematica Slovaca 51 (2001), no.3, 281-293.
- "Das chinesische Labyrinth",
c't magazin für computer technik 21 (2001),
308-312; (
Rubrik Magazin).
approximations with arithmetic restrictions and an application
to trigonometric functions",
Analysis 21 (2001), 327-337.
simultaneous approximations of continuous functions by solutions
of an algebraic differential equation",
Acta Sci.Math.(Szeged)
67 (2001), 697-708.
an universal functional equation of degree six"
Applied Nonlinear Analysis 9 (2002) no.3,
rational approximation with denominators from thin sets, I I
Abh.Math.Sem.Univ.Hamburg 72 (2002), 35-45.
inhomogeneous diophantine approximations with rational terms and
applications to
elliptic and trigonometric functions",
Resultate der Mathematik 42 (2002), 235-251.
"On a linear transcendence
measure for the solutions of a universal differential equation
at algebraic points",
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
279 (2003), 684-699.
"On rational approximations by
Pythagorean numbers",
The Fibonacci Quarterly
41 no.2 (2003), 98-104.
"On the approximation of
continuous functions by analytic solutions of universal
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica
41 (1) (2004), 1-15.
"On a universal differential
equation for the analytic terms of C(infinity) - superpositions
on the real line",
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
295 (2004), 315-330.
"Höhere Mathematik an der
Elemente der Mathematik
59 (2004), 151-170.
"On a method to transform
algebraic differential equations into universal equations",
74 (2004),
"On recurrence formulae for
sums involving binomial coefficients",
The Fibonacci Quarterly
43 no.1 (2005), 31-45.
the approximation of real continuous functions by series of
solutions of a single system of partial differential equations",
Colloquium Mathematicum
104 no.1 (2006),
gewisse Lösungen universeller Differentialgleichungen in
algebraischen Punkten",
Elementare und Analytische Zahlentheorie,
Proceedings ELAZ-Conference, May 24-28, 2004, Schriften der
Gesellschaft 20,
Franz Steiner Verlag (2006), 44-56.
a sequence transformation with integral coefficients for Euler’s
Seminar on Mathematical Sciences: Diophantine Analysis and
Related Fields,
Yokohama, no.35
(2006), 39-57.
- Mit
T.Komatsu und I.Shiokawa: "On convergents formed by Pythagorean
Seminar on Mathematical Sciences: Diophantine Analysis and
Related Fields,
Yokohama, no.35
(2006), 59-76.
- Mit
S.Shimomura und I.Shiokawa: "Algebraic relations for reciprocal
sums of binary recurrences",
Seminar on Mathematical Sciences: Diophantine Analysis and
Related Fields,
Yokohama, no.35
(2006), 77-92.
- Mit
S.Shimomura und I.Shiokawa: "Algebraic relations and asymptotic
formulas for Fibonacci reciprocal sums",
Analytic Number Theory and Related Areas, October 17-19 (2007),
edited by K.Kawada, RIMS Kôkyûroku 1665,
Kyoto, 127-138.
"On a sequence transformation
with integral coefficients for Euler’s constant, II",
Journal of Number Theory
(2007), 442 – 453.
Mit S.Shimomura und I.Shiokawa:
relations for reciprocal sums of Fibonacci numbers",
Acta Arithmetica
(2007), 37 – 60.
Mit T.Komatsu und I.Shiokawa: "Approximation
of values of hypergeometric functions by restricted rationals",
Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux
19 (2007), 393 –
Mit T.Komatsu:
recurrence formula for leaping convergents of non-regular
continued fractions",
Linear Algebra and its Applications
(2008), 824 – 833.
Mit T.Komatsu:
the residue classes of integer sequences satisfying a linear
three term recurrence formula",
Linear Algebra and its Applications
(2008), 933 – 947.
prime-detecting sequences from Apéry’s recurrence formulae for
ζ(3) and
Journal of Integer Sequences,
(2008), Article
Mit S.Shimomura und I.Shiokawa:
relations for reciprocal sums of odd terms in Fibonacci numbers",
Ramanujan Journal, 17
(2008), 429
Mit S.Shimomura und I.Shiokawa:
"Reciprocal sums of Fibonacci numbers"
Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields, DARF 2007/2008,
Yokohama 7-9 March 2007, Kyoto 5-7 March 2008, AIP Conference
77-89, Melville, New York (2008), Takao Komatsu (editor).
rational approximations to Euler’s constant γ and to
γ + log (a/b)",
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences,
Article ID 626489, 22 pages, 2009. doi: 10.1155/2009/626489.
S.Shimomura und I.Shiokawa:
representations for Fibonacci reciprocal sums and Euler’s
formulas for Zeta values",
Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 21 no.1 (2009), 145
– 157.
Mit T.Komatsu und I.Shiokawa:
convergents formed from Diophantine equations",
Glasnik Matematicki, 44 no.2 (2009), 267 – 284.
und I.Shiokawa:
remark on Nesterenko’s theorem for Ramanujan functions",
Ramanujan Journal, 21, no. 2 (2010), 211 – 221.
around Rubel’s universal differential equation",
New Directions in Value-Distribution Theory of Zeta and
L-functions, Conference Proceedings,
Würzburg Conference, October 6-10, 2008; Rasa Steuding, Jörn
Steuding (Eds.), Shaker-Verlag,
Aachen 2009, 39-55.
I.Shiokawa und Yohei Tachiya:
independence results for the sixteen families of q - series",
Ramanujan Journal, 22, no. 3 (2010), 315 – 344.
a generalization of a formula of Ser and applications to the Riemann Zeta Function and to Dirichlet L-series
Analysis 30 (2010), 411-431; DOI 10.1524/anly.2010.1063.
of error terms for rational approximations of irrational numbers",
Journal of Integer Sequences,
(2011), Article 11.1.4;
Mit S.Shimomura und I.Shiokawa:
independence results for reciprocal sums of Fibonacci numbers",
Acta Arithmetica
(2011), 205 – 223.
Mit F.Armknecht und Martin Schmidt:
the inhomogeneous simultaneous approximation problem for
cryptographic design
Progress in Cryptology – AFRICACRYPT 2011, 4th
International Conference on Cryptology in Africa, Dakar,
Senegal, July 5-7, 2011, A.Nitaj, D.Pointcheval (Eds.), Springer
Verlag 2011, LNCS 6737, 242—259.
Mit M.Stein: "On
error sum functions formed by convergents of real numbers",
Journal of Integer Sequences 14 (2011), Article 11.8.6;
Mit M.Stein: "Der
Widerspenstigen Zähmung – ein Ausblick auf die Möglichkeiten
universeller Differentialgleichungen",
Mathematische Semesterberichte 58 (2011), 157-183;
DOI 10.1007/s00591-011-0089-7
Mit S.Shimomura und I.Shiokawa:
algebraic relations for reciprocal sums of Fibonacci and Lucas
Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields 2011, AIP Conf. Proc.,
no. 1385, M.Amou and M.Katsurada (Eds.), A.I.P., 2011, 17-31.
Mit S.Shimomura und I.Shiokawa:
relations for reciprocal sums of even terms in Fibonacci numbers",
Journal of Mathematical Sciences,
no. 5 (2012), 650-671;
DOI: 10.1007/s10958-012-0663-0
Translated from: Fundamentalnaya I Prikladnaya Matematika
no. 5 (2010), 173-200.
Mit M.Prévost: "Expansion
of Euler’s constant in terms of Zeta numbers",
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
no. 2 (2013), 508-526;
DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2012.08.065
Mit I.Shiokawa: "On
algebraic relations for Ramanujan’s functions",
Ramanujan Journal,
(2012), 273-294;
DOI: 10.1007/s11139-012-9384-8
- Mit
S.Shimomura und I.Shiokawa:
independence of certain numbers related to modular functions",
Functiones et Approximatio,
(2012), 121-141;
DOI: 10.7169/facm/2012.47.1.10
Mit D.Klyve und E.Tou:
Zeta function for juggling sequences",
Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 4, no. 1 (2012),
Mit M.Stein: "On
the value distribution of error sums for approximations with
rational numbers",
Integers, 12 (2012), A66, 1-28.
Mit A.Klauke: "Transcendence
results and continued fraction expansions obtained from a
combinatorial series",
Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 5, no. 1 (2013),
Mit Yu.V. Nesterenko und I.Shiokawa: "Algebraic
independence of values of exponential type power series",
Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 3, no. 3-4 (2013),
44-74 [280-310]
error sums for square roots of positive integers with
applications to Lucas and Pell numbers",
Journal of Integer Sequences
(2014), Article 14.4.4,
"On a generalization
of Hall’s theorem for sums of continued fractions",
Šiauliai Mathematical Seminar,
University, Litauen, 9 (17) (2014),
independence results for values of Theta-constants",
Functiones et Approximatio, 52.1 (2015), 7-27;
exponential-type sums formed by solutions of Pell’s equation",
Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 6, no. 3 (2015),
reciprocal sums formed by solutions of Pell's equation",
Integers 16 (2016), A88, 1-26.
- "On
error sum functions for approximations with arithmetic
conditions", From Arithmetic to Zeta-Functions, Number Theory in Memory of
Wolfgang Schwarz, (Jürgen Sander, Jörn Steuding, Rasa Steuding:
editors), 121-140, Springer 2016; ISBN 978-3-319-28202-2
- Mit Yohei Tachiya:
"Algebraic results for certain values of the Jacobi Theta-Constant
theta_3(tau)", Mathematica Scandinavica 123, no. 2 (2018), 249 -
- Mit Jürgen Spilker:
"The Lucas property for linear recurrences of second order"
Elem. Math. 73 (2018), 151-160
- Mit Florian Luca und Yohei Tachiya: "Algebraic results for theta_3(mtau) and theta_3(ntau) of the
Jacobi-Theta Constant",
Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 8 - 1 (2019),
71 - 79.
- "Neues
von den Schwestern",
c't magazin für computer technik 3 (2019), 188 - 193.
- Mit Masanobu Kaneko
und Yohei Tachiya:
"Algebraic independence results for the values of the theta-constants and some
identities", J.Ramanujan Math. Soc. 35,
no. 1
(2020), 71- 80.
- Mit Niclas Technau:
"On linear relations for Dirichlet series formed by recursive
sequences of second order", Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 110, no. 3
(2021), 406 - 430.
- Mit
Daniel Duverney, Masanobu Kaneko und Yohei Tachiya:
"A criterion of algebraic independence of values of modular
functions and an application to infinite products involving
Fibonacci and Lucas numbers",
Research in Number Theory,
- Mit
Christopher Havens:
Analysis around [1,2,3,...]",
in Number Theory in Memory of Eduard Wirsing, (Helmut
Maier, Jörn Steuding, Rasa Steuding: Editors), Springer, 2023,
- Mit
Christopher Robin Havens:
"On Natural
Leaping Convergents of Regular Continued Fractions
and an Application to Linear Fractional Transformations",
Integers, vol. 23, (2023), A82, 1--35.
- Mit
Veekesh Kumar:
"On Algebraic Conditions for the Non-Vanishing of Linear Forms
Jacobi Theta-Constants"
Acta Mathematica Hungarica,
Online: (2024).